Marathon Secures 254 Megawatts to Bolster Company’s 2023 Bitcoin Mining Goals

The bitcoin mining operation Marathon has announced the company has secured 254 megawatts of new hosting deals with the option to increase to 324 megavatios (megavatio). Marathons latest expansion deals should support the bitcoin mining firms intended goal of securing approximately

Solana detiene la producción de bloques, A los validadores se les dijo que se prepararan para un reinicio, Critican descentralización de red

En Junio 1, 2022, the Solana network halted block production again as the blockchain network has stopped working a number of times during the networks lifetime. According to the Solana status update, validator operators are being asked to prepare for a

Los cortes de energía en la región rusa de Irkutsk se atribuyen a los mineros domésticos

Russians mining cryptocurrency in their homes have been blamed for the problems with the electricity supply in Irkutsk. Power outages have become a frequent occurrence in the region which maintains the lowest electricity rates in Russia. Subsidized household energy has turned